Some websites protect their images by desecrating the subject with a copyright line. I feel that this method ruins the image. Like an artist with a painting, I will always discretely sign my images in a way that does not cover the subject. This method has allowed some to remove my copyright line when they steal my images for use on their website.
Removing my copyright line does not eliminate my ownership of the image. Enjoy the images on this site, but please respect my copyrights and follow the guidelines below.
*Copyright 2010, Zebraman, Cheshire, United Kingdom*
All the content on these pages are original creations. All the photos and all the writing. I know it is quite easy to copy images and whole pages from the web, but taking them and placing them on your own web site is a violation of copyright laws. It is theft.
As a word of warning, I generally do not react favorably to those that try to circumvent my copyrights. Web hosts are required by law as outlined in the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998 to remove offending material. If you would like to use something from this site and it falls within the guidelines below, please be polite and ask. In all likelihood, I will grant you permission to use the images or content.
*Use of images from or or *
PLEASE READ the appropriate sections below for details BEFORE contacting me. If your email doesn't clearly indicate that you've read all the relevant sections of this document, we will just refer you to it before proceeding further. Unless explicitly mentioned otherwise, Zebraman owns the exclusive copyright to all photographs and text appearing on the, and sites.
All images are registered with the UK Copyright office. No images are within the Public Domain.
1. PRIVATE USE, limited to: (a) personal, non-commercial purpose can be done without permission. *All other uses require written permission*.
2. PUBLIC USE (diffusion by any means) for non-commercial purpose by individuals and all-volunteer organizations whose causes we support will likely be granted free permission, but approval is required. Free permissions always require proper attribution andno alterations.
3. Others may need a licensing contract and payment.
*1. Image uses that require a commercial license* Images used in any way in connection with any activity wherein payment is earned. This includes, but not limited to:
* Use in your professional work (including presentations, public campaigns, and teaching materials).
* Use by any organization (including non-profit, educational, religious, or government) which has paid personnel.
* All usage for advertising, editorial or promotional (including fund raising activities)
* Use on a commercial, advertising or self-promotional web site
* All specialized usage by corporate or commercial operation. This includes, but not limited to, internal communication, presentations, software, auction listings, video, CD covers, newsletter, logo, stationary, cards, tags, T-shirts, mug, etc.
Licenses are not granted solely in exchange for credits or links.
2. Image uses that do not require a commercial license
2.1 PRIVATE USE for personal, non-commercial purpose is free Personal (and only personal) non-commercial, private use include:
* Screen saver or background image on your computer
* Emailing a copy to a friend. This does not include distribution on e-mail lists such as Yahoo lists.
* Printing a few images from your printer (for something really nice to display on your wall, consider one of my photographic prints that are framed or ready for framing.)
The above image usage DO NOT REQUIRE written authorization and apply only for the low resolution images that can be downloaded directly from the site.
Please note that these are for private use only. All other usage, including the distribution or reproduction of multiple copies, performance or otherwise use in a public way of the images or text REQUIRE written authorization.
2.2 PUBLIC USE (diffusion) for personal, non-commercial purpose requires permission Permission will likely be granted for free for the following types of reproduction:
* Making derivative works such as paintings and drawing for personal or educational use.
* Limited diffusion in personal educational documents such as schoolreports and thesis (for student only).
* Displaying on a personal non-commercial web page (this may exclude self-promotional web pages) provided that you display:
(a)copyright information *and* (b) an active link to or, or
However, you need to contact me for authorization with the specific image(s) you wish to use, the details of your project, or the address of your finished web page. Please be sure to read the section General Conditions.
2.3 General conditions for free image use Applicability. Free image usage applies ONLY for the low resolution images that can be downloaded directly from the site. No free PUBLIC usage will be granted for the high resolution images.
Attribution. No free images or text may be used without carrying appropriate copyright information next to the images or text, acknowledging that the copyright is owned by "Zebraman".
No Derivative works. All free images must accurately represent the original work and be used in their entirety. Tampering, additions, cropping, low quality reproduction, or other alterations and transformations that would affect the integrity of the image are not permitted. This include removal of the "© Zebraman" mark. Rights. The images or text of "Zebraman" which you obtain from anysource are licensed to you by Zebraman for the limited purpose of personal, private use. In case of public use, any grant of rights is only for the specific use for which you were granted permission. Any other subsequent use requires a separate authorization. Further no license is granted in respect of any property rights. This does not mean that the title to the image was transferred to you. You own the medium on which the images or text are recorded, but Zebraman retains full and complete title to the images or text, and any intellectual property rights therein.
Please respect my copyright Zebraman.