
Well I have finally started to put the new site together and during the next few months I'll add content to the various sections. We have also moved our forum to its new location, please visit our updated community. Zebra Finch Forum.


This year we will be sponsoring the Zebra Finch society club show. To generate funds to assist with this sponsorship we have commision a small number of ZFF keyrings. Please follow this link to find out more...

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Water is a very important part of your birds daily needs, although the Zebra Finches natural habitat is some what arid, since being domesticated they have become more accustomed to a regular water supply, so it is very important that their water is changed at least once a day and all receptacles cleaned thoroughly.

I only give my stock water that has been boiled and left to stand for 24 hours, this ensures that all the chemicals have evaporated prior to use, in some cases I will add a vitamin "D" supplement for increased health.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.


Visit the Forum @ Zebra Finch Forum