
Well I have finally started to put the new site together and during the next few months I'll add content to the various sections. We have also moved our forum to its new location, please visit our updated community. Zebra Finch Forum.


This year we will be sponsoring the Zebra Finch society club show. To generate funds to assist with this sponsorship we have commision a small number of ZFF keyrings. Please follow this link to find out more...

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Green Food

All year round I give my birds a selection of green food including chick weed and dandelion. You must be very careful when collecting these types of greens as in some cases they may have been sprayed with insecticide by local authorities If your not absolutely sure then don't feed them to your birds as there is a great risk of fatalities by feeding greens that have been sprayed. If these types are not available, water cress is an excellent alternative and a much safer choice, it can also be given in the winter months when the summer greens are not available. I have a very good farm shop local to me who provides as much as I want at a very reasonable price.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.


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